Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gift for all !!

Pixel Icons at Ego Box amik mender nih pas2 print n buat sendirik...kalu lai best kertas 2 mest la tebal n berQuality ...instruction der kat gambo nih..all u have 2 do save image as then double size ...pas2 print out..lipat ler sendirik according 2 those instructions....hehe pas2 leh la bagi kat kenkawan ..envelope comel nih...slamat mencuba... Pixel Icons at Ego Box

Pixel Icons at Ego Box ni plak treat box...caner la nak pakai kertas keras...nak x nak kene bli kertas box yg x baper nak tebal sgt...n print seperately then baru paste the paper on the board ( kertas yg agak2 tebal leh wat box 2 ler, b4 that lipat siap2..)...caner korang pk la guner daya kekreatifan n IQ korang...muahahaaa.. Pixel Icons at Ego Box

ni adiah tuk korang Pixel Icons at Ego Box ikhlas dari aku....

pasni pandai2 la buat...aku raser seme malas nk buat ...seme arap bli ajerk...p aku nk appreciate mender nih at least aku wat envelope 2...Pixel Icons at Ego Box

sekian sahaja craft workshop tuk arini...

Ego Box


  1. salam..comelnya..mung dh try buat sndiri ke ni?

  2. hehe...lum p nak wat envelope 2..leh bagi kat org..xyah bli..klu nak bli yg comel cenggini mahal kat kdai nun
